(Revised 1/1/08 ML 3118)
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The denial of an application or the revocation of an adult family foster care license applies to all individuals who applied to be licensed at the home or who are listed as providers on the license.
A license for Adult Family Foster Care may be denied or revoked for reasons listed below. See sections 05-65-35, 05-65-40, and 05-65-45 for forms to be completed; also, contact the Program Administrator at the Division must be contacted prior to the denial or revocation of a license.
An applicant or provider has the right to a hearing as outlined on SFN 741 and SFN 1212, "Notification of Rights" section. At the hearing for denial or revocation, the evidence submitted by the Department in support of its denial or revocation of the applicant's or provider's license must be limited to supporting only those reasons, which were given by the Department in its original notice of denial or revocation. Therefore, it is imperative that all applicable reasons for denial or revocation be listed in the original notice.
It is the responsibility of the regional Human Service Center to provide the applicant or provider with instructions, forms, and assistance in filing an appeal.
Reasons for denying or revoking a license include: